07 June 2015

A Bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure \(B\) that approximately and efficiently answers the set membership question. Given a Bloom filter B constructed out of the elements of a set \(S\), \(B(x)\) returns \(YES\) or \(NO\), indicating the membership of \(x\) in \(S\). Bloom filters are approximate since they can return false positives. The false positive rate \(\epsilon\) for a Bloom filter can be expressed by:

\[Pr(B(x) = \text{YES} \mid x \notin S) = \epsilon.\]

An interesting question is: Can Bloom filters be used to compute whether two sets are disjoint?

That is, given a set \(S\) represented by a Bloom filter \(B\), and another set \(Q\), can we use the Bloom filter to accurately determine whether \(Q \cap S = \varnothing\)? An obvious procedure to compute disjointness is:

Procedure \(P\): Iterate through each element \(q\) of the set \(Q\). If \(B(q) = YES\) for any element \(q\), then return \(NO\), else return \(YES\).

Before we can reason about the accuracy of this procedure, let’s define the following events:

  • \(D\): the event that \(S\) and \(Q\) are disjoint (and \(D'\) to be its complement), and
  • \(A\): the event that \(P\) is accurate (and \(A'\) to be its complement).

Now, we make the following claims about our procedure \(P\):

Claim 1: \(Pr(A' \mid D') = 0\).

In other words, our procedure \(P\) is guaranteed to be correct when \(S\) and \(Q\) are not disjoint. This claim follows easily from the fact that a Bloom filter cannot have false negatives, i.e., if \(q\) does exist in \(S\), then \(B(q)\) will return \(YES\).

Claim 2: \(Pr(A' \mid D) \ge 0\).

In other words, \(P\) can be inaccurate when \(S\) and \(Q\) are disjoint. Specifically, this procedure can be inaccurate if the Bloom filter returns \(YES\) for at least one element in \(Q\), given that no element in \(Q\) belongs to \(S\). But how inaccurate? It is often easier to compute the probability of the complementary event \(A \mid D\), which is the event that the Bloom filter returns \(NO\) for every element of \(Q\). The probability that the Bloom filter returns \(NO\) for a given element \(q \in Q\) can be expressed by:

\[Pr(B(q) = \text{NO}~\mid~q \notin S) = 1 - \epsilon.\]

Assuming independence of Bloom filter output for the different elements of \(Q\), and assuming that \(Q\) has \(n\) elements, we can write:

\[Pr(A \mid D) = (1 - \epsilon)^n.\]

Further, notice that the likelihood of the sets being disjoint has nothing whatsoever to do with the Bloom filter accuracy (I like to picture it as: \(Pr(D \mid A) = Pr(D)\)). In other words, \(D\) and \(A\) are independent! If we wanted to be explicit, we could apply Bayes’ Theorem:

\[Pr(A \mid D) = \frac {Pr(D \mid A) \cdot Pr(A)}{ Pr(D) } = Pr(A),\]

from which it follows that:

\[Pr(A) = (1 - \epsilon)^n.\]


\[Pr(A') = 1 - (1 - \epsilon)^n.\]

Since \(0 \le \epsilon \le 1\), the inaccuracy grows with \(n\). This makes intuitive sense since the larger the set \(Q\), the more the chances that we will run into a Bloom filter false positive. In plain English: Bloom filters are probably not a good idea for computing whether two sets are disjoint.

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